Credit Cards

A credit card is a plastic card that enables its user to make transactions within the credit limit offered by the card provider bank. The funds that are taken on a credit card act as the loan amount and the credit limit as the maximum loan amount available. Credit cards in UAE offer a line of credit to be used in making a purchase provided the loan is paid back during a specific period. While using a credit card, the cardholder needs to pay the minimum payment at least by the due date.

It is essential to compare amongst the credit card providers UAE before applying for one. Different kinds of credit cards cater to the different needs of the applicants. Some of the cards are free, whereas some of them charge an annual fee. Each available credit card option comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

We provide a holistic solution to all your credit card needs. Credit cards have become a lifestyle necessity for people in the UAE. With an increase in usage of credit cards and healthy competition, banks have started offering bundles of benefits and amazing offers.